Chairs: Ary Hoffmann & Beata Ujvari
Climate change and evolutionary adaptation: where are we? (#9)
10:30 AM
The genomic basis of local adaptation to climate in conifers (#10)
11:00 AM
Effective population size and migration along a steep environmental gradient: Insights from niche models and population genomics (#11)
11:15 AM
Exploring full mitochondrial genomes in search of signatures of positive and purifying selection (#12)
11:30 AM
Evolution of a butterfly mimicry locus through modular regulation of an input-output gene (#13)
11:45 AM
Incest vs. abstinence: reproductive tradeoffs between mate limitation and progeny fitness in a self-incompatible invasive plant. (#14)
12:00 PM
Sexual mimicry in sympatric orchid species promotes outcrossing, multiple paternity and reproductive isolation. (#15)
12:15 PM