Chairs: Emily Remnant & Isobel Ronai
Eye gene transcriptomes of diving water beetles: a contrast of surface and subterranean photic niches (#63)
1:30 PM
A role for apoptosis in worker sterility: gene expression in the plastic ovaries of the honey bee (#64)
1:45 PM
Expressing the diamondback moth ABC transporter C2 in transgenic Drosophila causes susceptibility to Bt insecticidal toxin (#65)
2:00 PM
Characterizing resistance and the potential for adaptation to a new diamide insecticide in D. melanogaster (#66)
2:15 PM
Comparative, quantitative transcriptomes in sympatric fruit fly species reproductively isolated by time of mating (#67)
2:30 PM
Expression patterns and transcriptome analysis of sex determination genes in Bactrocera fruit flies (#68)
2:45 PM
The Drosophila melanogaster phospholipid flippase dATP8B is required for odorant receptor function (#69)
3:00 PM
Expression patterns of selected digestive enzyme genes in the hepatopancreas of redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) fed two different carbohydrate sources (#70)
3:15 PM