Session — ASN Events
Population genetics of the invasive northern Pacific seastar Sequence variation within the mitochondrial DNA affects patterns of gene expression in the mitochondrial transcriptome Expression patterns and transcriptome analysis of sex determination genes in Bactrocera fruit flies DNA methylation: silencing sex chromosomes in amniote vertebrates. Unexpected gene-flow patterns highlight importance of peripheral populations of the world’s smallest penguin Queensland fruit fly and the Lewontin-Birch introgression hypothesis The genomic basis of local adaptation to climate in conifers Genomic architecture and repeatability of rapid local adaptation A role for apoptosis in worker sterility: gene expression in the plastic ovaries of the honey bee Comparative, quantitative transcriptomes in sympatric fruit fly species reproductively isolated by time of mating Teaching Genetics in South Australia: A Preliminary Comparative Study Effects of Larval Competition on the Fitness of Wolbachia-Infected Aedes aegypti (Diptera : Culicidae) The South American seagrass Zostera chiliensis, endangered or invasive? The Identification and Characterisation of Immune Genes in the Milk Transcriptome of the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) Expression patterns of selected digestive enzyme genes in the hepatopancreas of redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) fed two different carbohydrate sources The dynamic genome: allelic variations in the genomes of single cells from an invertebrate metazoan Bioinformatics Resource Australia – EMBL: Data Integration  Factors shaping disease-resistance-gene diversity in an Australian reptile Comparative analyses of Complement genes in Crocodilians Geneious R7: A bioinformatics platform for biologists De novo assembly of circular genomes using Geneious R7. Characterisation and comparative analyses of the saltwater crocodile MHC Functional Role of IMMP2L in Astrocytes and its Implication in Tourette Syndrome Population structure of the rare, clonal Senecio macrocarpus in the grasslands of Victoria. Genome-wide SNP and population genetics of platypuses from across Australia